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Stamp picture
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First day of issue: October 03, 2014
Width: 24 mm
Height: 20 mm
Perforation: Serpentine die cut 8.25 x 0.00
Printing method: Lithographed
Printer: Lowe Martin Group, Ottawa, Canada
Creative team:
     Avi Dunkelman, MIX Design Group, Designer
     Joseph Gault, MIX Design Group, Designer
Location: Ice Hockey Volume XXII
Stamp ID = 2066

Second part of a series to honor all of Canada's 7 NHL teams. This stamp is for the Vancouver Canucks. This stamp was available for purchase in 3 different ways:
   1. Coil of 50 stamps (a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/">can-20141003-f1-007)
   2. Strip of 4 stamps (a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/">can-20141003-i1-13)
   3. Strip of 10 stamps (a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/">can-20141003-i1-14)

From Linn's "Stamp Issuing Entities Of The World" page

Canada (1851-)
Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 29,123,194. An independent state within the British Commonwealth, occupying the northern part of North America.