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Stamp picture
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Mint sheet for
Stamp number
Number of stamps

Issue date: December 07, 2019
Width: 288 mm
Height: 358 mm

Location: 14 x 17 Portfolio #11

This sheet consists of 24 copies of the 2019 China 2022 Winter Olympics stamp along with pictograms showing the 24 sports of those Olympids. In the lower left corner of the sheet there is a QR code that takes you to small, animated video showing the 24 Olympic pictograms and the 6 Paralympic pictograms. The ice hockey pictogram is the first one in the second row.

From Linn's "Stamp Issuing Entities Of The World" page.

China (1878-)
Stamp-issuing status: (People's Republic) active, (Empire and Republic) inactive; Population: (People's Republic) 1,210,004,956, (Empire and Republic) 462,798,093 (1948). An ancient country occupying a large area in eastern Asia, between Turkestan and the China Sea and stretching from Siberia to Indochina.