
Stamp picture
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Occasion: 1985 Men's World Ice Hockey Championships, 1985, Czechoslovakia
Belongs to cancel group 12

There were 17 different cancels available throughout the tournament which ran from April 17 through May 3, 1985, one cancel for each day of the tournament. The cancel was in Czech and the cancel is 18 mm x 28 mm.


MS 85

Location: Ice Hockey Volume XLI

Miller, Rick. "Stamps show where the dead countries are buried." Linn's Stamp News 23 Dec. 2019: 16-17. Print.

Czechoslovakia (1918-93)
Czechoslovakia's first stamps were issued in 1918, and its last regular postage stamp was issued Dec. 18, 1992. In total Czechoslovakia issued almost 2,900 postage stamps, about 170 semipostal stamps, 93 airmal stamps, three special delivery stamps, three personal delivery stamps, more than 100 postage due stamps, 15 Official stamps, two local Official stamps and about 35 newspaper stamps.