Cancel on cover

Stamp picture
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Cancel celebrates the 50 year anniversary of the Legia Warsaw Sports Club. Why the cancel shows ice hockey is a mystery because the Club did not have an ice hockey team until 1927. It is also unclear as to why there is a reference to an international tournament in the cancel. The 1966 IIHF tournament was held in Yugoslavia in March of 1966 and the 1967 IIHF tournament was held in Austria the following year. Cancel size is 38 mm x 51 mm.
Location: Ice Hockey Volume LXXI

From Linn's "Stamp Issuing Entities Of The World" page.

Poland (1860-65, 1918-)
Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 38,700,291 (1997 estimate). A republic in eastern Europe, between Germany and Russia.